Job, etc.
Today I interviewed for, was offered and accepted a part time job. The job pays 23.50 an hour and I would only have to work two nights a week. The tagline for my job was "Must feel comfortable wearing provocative clothing". HA!
Just joking. I actually got a job at Pier 1. It's only part time, definately doesn't pay that much and I think I just have to dress business casual. Which most of you must realize what a problem that will be for me. I'm just happy that i'll have another source of income besides loan refunds.
Tonight after class all of the Health Comm. kids went out to a sweet place downtown. It was nice to finally get to socialize. In the process I found a fellow Le Tigre fan who told me about a special dance night that sounds like it's similar to "A Danceable Solution"!!!! I guess a bunch of us are going to go sometime soon! Hurray!!! I can spread my terrible dancing all across the United States. I"ll just have to get some of you guys to come and rip it up with me. Boston needs to be let in on some of VA's breakdancing and Zach, I can't do interpretive dancing without you!
In other news, Rachele randomly ran into some of the guys on that show "Rescue Me" (the firefighter one w. Dennis Leary). It's her favorite show and she was freakishly excited about it :)
Tomorrow i'm going to listen to people talking about the healing power of art. Maybe art can heal PMS. What do you think?
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