Tuesday, October 25, 2005

a perfect storm

Just like I promised, we are getting spanked by Wilma and another storm that have come together to form "a perfect storm". Right now it is raining like an MF, and the wind is gusting at 44mph. Parts of the siding on the house next to us arecoming off, but it was kind of an old crappy house anyways. Ah, my first nor'easter... I think i'll stay inside today.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger Zach G said...

You post fast... but I keep up! Also, check it out... some woman I don't know posted on my blog, haha, whatever. It's about to be the Super-Perfect Storm on November 19... watch out BOSTON! :)

At 12:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, zach seems like a crazy mfer, i can't wait to meet him! :) Damn I miss the sun, damn u noreaster

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Robyn, nice cartography skills. I figured since I finally have time to sit down and communicate with my friends, I'd start with the girl who left me the e-mail entitled "motherFUCKER." You old flatterer, you. I hope school is going well, and that you're staying nice and cozy in your "nor'easter" apartment, while the Perfect Storm rages and howls and blows indiscriminate trash along the busy wet street. Candy wrappers, sheets of paper, McDonald's bags and perhaps my lost copy of Juggs Magazine all shall do their aerial dance for you as you sit around and do whatever the fuck Robyn Hauser does in her spare time, when she's not calling me and causing crumble and decay to my towering mass of self-esteem :) Now that you so foolishly sent me your blog address, you may be content to know I will leave periodic, non-sensical bombastic bullshit like this on your page, just to make you furrow your brow in consternation, and to make your friends wonder how weird you are for choosing me as your loyal, trusting, and coincidentally dead-sexy friend.


At 7:04 PM, Blogger Zach G said...

Robyn, seriously now, I'm going to need a new blog to comment on very very soon. I have other things to do in my life, but seriously, can't you help a guy out?? Let's go, get together child!


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