Tuesday, November 01, 2005

it's November, finally!

And you all know what that means, Robyn comes home! I'll be in Ohio from the 22-28th for Thanksgiving break! Also, Zach is coming to visit before he runs off to Malaysia. It turns out that the snow from Saturday (see post below) set a record, and that usually doesn't happen here in October. Today it was in the 60s and beautiful, this place is so random.

I've got one random thing to rant about. Colon cancer. It's 2nd on the list of "cancers that kill people" (yea I sound like moron but i couldn't think of a better way to say that). It is also 90% CURABLE if caught early (before it metastisizes). So, if you're over the age of 50, have a parent or sibling that has or has died of colon cancer, or have an IBD, go get a damn colonoscopy. Yes, they kind of suck but if your test is clear you are set for 10 years. The test isn't the bad part - the drugs that they give you are kind of fun, it's the prep that is a pain in the ass (pun intended). I have a feeling that this is going to be my life's work - getting people to talk about their bowels. *Sigh*


At 10:26 PM, Blogger Zach G said...

qqThanks Katie Couric! Haha, jk... I think it's awesome that you're advocating such a good cause... very socially concious of you! 17 days until you see this beautiful baby!

At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Robyn,
Meg's mom here--had my first colonoscopy this year (yeah, I'm over 50 now)--and they even gave me a photo of my insides to put in my file!! Congrats on the A.


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